Revised school transport guidance (England)
Cerebra, IPSEA, SOS!SEN and Contact have jointly written and article expressing concern about revised school transport guidance issued by the Department for Education and inviting families to complete a short school transport survey to better understand its impact.
A particularly problematic aspect of the revised guidance concerns its discriminatory impact on parents of disabled children. It places an onus – where necessary – on parents to accompany children of all ages to school. Many young people can make their way to school without being accompanied by their parents. However, many disabled young people need to be accompanied – even when in their teenage years. The guidance fails to address this issue and this, in my humble opinion, amounts to adverse discrimination – a serious problem that engages the Equality Act 2010. Effectively, what the government appears to be saying is that where a disabled child has these additional ‘impairment related’ needs, then their parents should give up their jobs / go part-time / pay an escort etc. In effect – that disability is an individual or family problem.
To read the article click here and to complete the short Survey, click here.